
An overview of Membrane's licencing details

Company details

Company registration information

Membrane Finance Oy

Meritullinkatu 1
00170 Helsinki

Business ID: FI32368862
EUID: FIFPRO.3236886-2
LEI code: 743700KYSSTKZYGEUF50

Show in Finnish company registry

Licence details

Electronic Money Institution Licence

Membrane Finance Oy is regulated as an Electronic Money Institution (EMI) in Finland.

Verify licence information by
a) Searching for "Membrane Finance Oy" on the Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority website; or
b) Visiting the Payment Institutions Register of the European Banking Authority

Passported EMI Licence

Membrane Finance Oy's EMI licence has been passported to the undermentioned countries, allowing Membrane Finance Oy to provide and market its services in these countries.

  • – Austria
  • – Belgium
  • – Bulgaria
  • – Croatia
  • – Cyprus
  • – Czech Republic
  • – Denmark
  • – Estonia
  • – Finland
  • – France
  • – Germany
  • – Greece
  • – Hungary
  • – Iceland
  • – Ireland
  • – Italy
  • – Latvia
  • – Liechtenstein
  • – Lithuania
  • – Luxembourg
  • – Malta
  • – Netherlands
  • – Norway
  • – Poland
  • – Portugal
  • – Romania
  • – Slovakia
  • – Slovenia
  • – Spain
  • – Sweden

MiCA compliance

MiCA compliant stablecoins

Membrane Finance issues multiple MiCA-compliant electronic money tokens (stablecoins).

EUROe and eUSD stablecoins issued by Membrane Finance Oy, fulfills all requirements and obligations set for electronic money tokens (EMT) in the EU regulation 2023/1114 of the European Parliament and of the Council (colloquially "Markets in Crypto Assets Regulation", "MiCAR", or "MiCA"), where possible.

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